Roper System

Rigging, Roping, Work at Height Multitool.
30 Second Rescue Plan.
Available in different sizes:
RK10 Roper system 10m . . .
RK25 Roper system 25m . . .
RK50 Roper system 50m . . .
RK100 Roper system 100m . .
RK200 Roper system 200m .
RK300 Roper system 300m .
RK400 Roper system 400m .

The Roper System complies with the following standards:
Safe working in a confined space AS 2865
Industrial Safety Belts and Harness—Selection use & Maintenance AS 2626
Industrial fall arrest device—Selection Use & Maintenance AS 4626
Industrial Rope Access Systems Part 1: Specifications AS/NZS 4488.1
Industrial Rope Access Systems Part 2: Selection use & maintenance AS/NZS 4488.2
Industrial Fall Arrest Systems & devices Part 1: Safety belts & harnesses AS/NZS 1891.1
Industrial Fall Arrest Systems & devices Part 2: Horizontal lifeline and rail systems AS/NZS 1891.2
Industrial Fall Arrest Systems & devices Part 2: Horizontal lifeline and rail systems Supplement 1: Prescribed configurations for horizontal lifelines AS/NZS 1891.2
Supp1:2001 Industrial Fall Arrest Systems & devices Part 3: Fall Arrest devices AS/NZS 1891.3
Industrial Fall Arrest Systems & devices Part 4: Selection, use and maintenance AS/NZS 1891.4
Fixed platforms, walkways, stairways and ladders –design construction and installation AS 1657
Man made fibre rope for Static Life Rescue Lines AS 4142.3
ISO9001prEN 15151, EN 341-A, ,EN 353-2, EN 358, EN 362, EN566, EN 567, EN12841-C, EN 12275B, CE0123, CE 0333, CE 0639, 89/686/CE
Locnut Karabiner
Safest on the market.
Easy one hand operation.
Patented Locnut design: Single, double or triple lock action all on the same Karabiner (dependant on application).
The only option for those who like to be in full control.
Setting a new standard with markings for WLL and correct loading location.
Latest technology Non-jamming gate action incorporating 2 different thread pitches.
No more 'backing off half a turn' as the two nuts automatically bind against each securely with minimum effort.
Ice, mud, sand? No problem. the Simple design means it can be used in the toughest of environments.
'Roll out' eliminated.
Feedback after initial trials:
"Once you get used to it you just don't feel safe on any other Karabiner".
"Gate takes about 3 seconds to secure, which gives me time to do a quick visual check on everything else"
"I like fact that once locked there is no chance of unintentional release 'Rollout'."
Retail price $32ea.
Quantity discounts or licencing terms on request.